IE/Win: hasLayout triggers (for block elements, standards mode)

0. height:1%

0. this paragraph has height:1%

1. height:5%

1. this paragraph has height:5%

2. height:1px

2. this paragraph has height:1px

3. height:0

3. this paragraph has height:0

4. height:1% and overflow:hidden

4. this paragraph has height:1% and overflow:hidden

5. height:5% and overflow:hidden

5. this paragraph has height:5% and overflow:hidden

6. height:1px and overflow:hidden

6. this paragraph has height:1px and overflow:hidden

7. height:0 and overflow:hidden

7. this paragraph has height:0 and overflow:hidden

8. nothing

8. this paragraph has no additional properties

9. zoom:1

9. this paragraph has zoom:1

10. contentEditable

10. this paragraph has a contentEditable attribute

11. display:inline-block

11. this paragraph has display:inline-block

12. display:inline-block/inline

12. this paragraph has display:inline-block/inline

13. display:inline-block/block

13. this paragraph has display:inline-block/block

14. float:left/none

14. this paragraph has float:left/none

15. overflow:hidden

15. this paragraph has overflow:hidden

16. overflow:auto

16. this paragraph has overflow:auto

17. overflow:scroll

17. this paragraph has overflow:scroll

18. overflow:visible

18. this paragraph has overflow:visible

19. min-width

19. this paragraph has min-width:20em

20. min-height

21. this paragraph has min-height:2em

21. max-width

21. this paragraph has max-width:20em

22. max-height

22. this paragraph has max-height:2em

23. float: left

23. this paragraph has float:left


This browser:

Some boxes are repeated with a float inside, usually the ones with hasLayout enclose it.

float 0. this paragraph has height:1%


float 2. this paragraph has height:1px


float 3. this paragraph has height:0


float 8. this paragrafo has nothing


float 9. this paragraph has zoom:1


float 10. this paragraph has the contentEditable attribute


float 11. this paragraph has display:inline-block


float 15. this paragraph has overflow:hidden


float 16. this paragraph has overflow:auto


float 17. this paragraph has overflow:scroll


float 18. this paragraph has overflow:visible


float 19. this paragraph has min-width:20em


float 20. this paragraph has min-height:2em


float 21. this paragraph has max-width:20em


float 22. this paragraph has max-height:2em


float 23. this paragraph has float:left


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