Essential css hacks

Default paragraphs in this page have yellow background. In any of the following test cases a blue background is set with a special (hack) rule. When the background is blue, the hack is applied.
Note: "All" == IE5+/Win, Op6+, Moz, IE5/Mac, Saf

IE5/Mac only
/*\*//*/ selector { property: value; } /**/

All except IE5/Mac
/*\*/ selector { property: value; } /**/

IE6- only
/*\*/ * html selector { property: value; } /**/

IE5.5- only
selector { property: value; p\roperty: normal-value; }

IE7 standard only
*:first-child+html selector { property: value; }

All except IE6-
html>body selector { property: value; }

IE6+ quirks and IE5 (= all IE/Win quirks) only
* html selector { property /**/: value; }

All except IE6 standards
selector { property /**/: value; }

All except IE5.0
selector { property/**/: value; }

All except IE5.5
selector { property: /**/value; }

Op < 9.5 only
@media all and (min-width: 0px) { html:first-child selector { property: value; } }

Safari 3 only
selector:not(:root:root) { property: value; }

Safari only
@media all and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 0) { selector { property: value; } }

Gecko (1.8+) only
@-moz-document url-prefix() { selector { property: value; } }

Related: CSS browsers separation, some "advanced" CSS selectors, Old Bad CSS hacks, more CSS hacks for modern browsers. Part of this page in quirks mode, for IE/Win: essential CSS hacks - Quirks. (IE comments bugs.)
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