In the following lines there are some Unicode characters wrapped in a span with red border to check them. They are included using their numeric character references.

[] en dash U+2013
[] figure dash U+2012
[] em dash U+2014
[] infinity U+221E
[] last quarter moon U+263E

Now with the characters directly 'typed' in the source of this page (which is specified as 'charset=utf-8') instead of using their numeric character references.

[] en dash U+2013
[] figure dash U+2012
[] em dash U+2014
[] infinity U+221E
[] last quarter moon U+263E

The same as before, but having specified some common unicode sans-serif font families.

[] en dash U+2013
[] figure dash U+2012
[] em dash U+2014
[] infinity U+221E
[] last quarter moon U+263E

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