a container (yellow with green border), an UL, some LIs with As (blue with cyan border) inside

left floated LI, block A, clearing empty DIV
OK: IE5+, Moz, Op6+, Saf
left floated LI, block A, clearing BR
OK: IE5+, Moz, Op6+, Saf
left floated UL width:100%, left floated LI, block A; container makes room for horizontal borders
OK: IE5+, Moz, Op6+, Saf
left floated UL = container width:100% (no borders), left floated LI, block A
OK: IE5+, Moz, Op6+, Saf
inline LI, inline A
OK: IE5+, Moz, Op6+, Saf
inline LI, inline-block A
OK: IE5+, Op7+, Saf, Moz1.9+; KO: Moz1.8-, Op6

Other examples: menu bar 1, various horizontal menu bars

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